Herewin 44.4V 12S 14S 22000mAh 20C Agriculture Drone Battery SPECIFICATIONS
Используйте: Транспортные средства и игрушки с дистанционным управлением
Модернизация деталей/аксессуаров: Литиевая батарея
Поставки инструментов: Аккумулятор
Технические параметры: Значение 6
Периферийные устройства/устройства дистанционного управления: Аккумулятор
Рекомендуемый возраст: 14+y
Запчасти и принадлежности RC: Аккумуляторы - LiPo
Количество: 1 шт.
Происхождение: Материковый Китай
Номер модели: 22000mah 12s
Материал: Композитный материал
Атрибуты полного привода: Аккумулятор
Для типа автомобиля: Самолеты
Название бренда: аэропсы
cm# 4. Rate discharge curve 04m00S 5.Cell drawing #EBMR+ 6.Battery size +4Rt 7. Battery Specification br4m# 8. Battery PACK Performance Criteria 074@02 9.Mechanical characteristics .
This product specification outlines the details of the lithium-polymer (LiPo) rechargeable battery provided by Henying Times New Energy Technology Corporation Limited.
Technical Specifications: Dimension and Description. Dimensions: Thickness – 10.4 mm, Width – 90.1 mm, Length – 191.0 mm, Tab length – 12.01 mm, Distance between tabs – 40.0 ± 2.0 mm, Tab width – 25.0 ± 0.5 mm. Top Sealing: Width – 6.01 mm, Sealant.
Battery Size: [Insert Specification] ( female connector, UL3135#8ANG ). Dimensions: Length – 180 ± 10 mm, Height – unknown, Thickness of package – 23.8 mm (max). Width of package – 4249 ( unknown unit, likely a typo or OCR error). Battery Models are available in various sizes and configurations.
Recommended Charging Status: Store the battery at a temperature range of -20°C to 40°C for up to 3 months. To maintain its charge state, keep the capacity at approximately 50% of its full charge (7.12V). Additionally, the battery can handle discharge currents of up to 80A (ASISOU) and has a maximum discharge current of 240A.
Battery Performance Criteria:
1. Capacity: According to the charge by the 7.6 method, the discharge capacity is measured at a cutoff voltage of 42.0V and 4# (221900mAh).
2. Cycle Life Test Condition:
* Temperature: 23°C
* Humidity: 50%
* Charge: L.O.C to S8.8
Vibration Test: The battery cells shall be vibrated for 30 minutes along each axis (X, Y, and Z) at a frequency of 47 Hz, with an amplitude of 1.6 mm, and a duration of 4 cycles per test.
Precautions and Warnings:
1. To prevent short circuits within the battery pack, sufficient insulation layers should be maintained between each cell.
2. The product must not be disassembled.
Please note that these precautions are in place to ensure safe use of the product.
Important Safety Notice: If you notice any cells with an unusual electrolyte odor, they should no longer be used.
Storage Instructions:
If the battery needs to be stored for an extended period (more than every three months), it is essential to top off the charge before storage. The recommended voltage range for long-term storage is between 54.6V and 58.8V.
Operating Conditions:
The battery is designed for use with LED lights, with the following performance characteristics:
* Low-intensity mode: A+7L+3, 0-50% capacity, 518mAh discharge rate
* Medium-intensity mode: -75% capacity, 750-95% capacity
* High-intensity mode: 95%-100% capacity
* Temperature range: i2 BYJ (25°C to Wtt) 40 dB m MZ4A#E (FOV)
* Operating voltage: 4200 @ r#U##+E (OVA), 4250 #4AMoCCoVR, and 4300 (7-3)
Communication Protocol:
The Herewin Battery Management System (BMS) utilizes the CAN 2.0B protocol format for communication.
Default Settings:
* Baud Rate: 250 Kbps
* Message Type: STANDARD 2.0B
* Periodic Data Transmission: The battery sends messages below every second.
Bitwise Representation:
The following bits represent various data points:
* Bit 0-5: Battery Charge Voltage (16-bit unsigned integer, scale factor 0.1 units)
* Bit 6-7: DC Current Limitation (actor unit)
* Bit 8-15: SOH Value (16-bit unsigned integer, charge level)
* Bit 16-23: Battery Discharge Voltage
Reserved CAN ID: 0xA356
This CAN ID is reserved for use with enhanced battery messages and should not be used by hosts for any other purpose. The data type is an IGBI- signed integer, with a scale factor of 0.01 units.
* Data 2: Battery Current (unsigned int, scale factor: unit)
* Data: Battery Temperature
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