
APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller Ardupilot +M8N GPS built-in compass +gps stand+shock absorber for RC Quadcopter Multicopter

$104.90 - $116.04

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APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller Ardupilot +M8N GPS built-in compass +gps stand+shock absorber for RC Quadcopter Multicopter SPECIFICATIONS

Колесная база: Винты

Используйте: Транспортные средства и игрушки с дистанционным управлением

Модернизация деталей/аксессуаров: shock absorber

Инструментальные принадлежности: Собранный класс

Технические параметры: Значение 2

Пульт дистанционного управления Периферийные устройства/устройства: Сервоприводы

Рекомендуемый возраст: 14+y

RC Parts & Accs: Spinners

Количество: 1 шт.

Происхождение: Материковый Китай

Номер модели: APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller

Материал: Металл

Полный привод Атрибуты: Сборка

Для типа автомобиля: Самолеты

Название бренда: U-Ангел-1988

Note:Now the latest Mission planner 1.3.77 has bug ,it can not calibrate Accel for APM,Waiting for the official fix of this bug, please use version 1.3.74.

APM V2.8.0 description:
– This version eliminates the 1.0mm 6P SM06B GPS interface of V2.52 old version, and change it into DF13-4P I2C external compass interface.
– Put DF13-5P GPS interface with external compass interface, convenient for the connection of GPS and externalcompass.
– V2.52 I2C interface changes to multifunctional MUX interface
– Modified version added isolation resistor, when the OSD interface used with telemetry, the interfaces is effectively avoided
– V2.52 version 3.5V power supply adopts IPS79133, 6V withstand voltage, output current 100mA, need to supply power for six IC, slightly inadequate power supply ability, easy to be burnt dwon. The new version adopts US LP2985-3.3, 16V withstand voltage, more reliable, redcucing the possibility of Bad Gyro health

APM V2.8.0 Flight Controller
– Needle: staight
– Power supply: LP2985-3.3
– Max voltage: 16V
– Add a 47uF tantalum capacitor
– Port: MUX (UART0, UART2, mnnI2 and OSD are optional, OSD is the defaulted output)
Jumper cap choose:
– Built-in compass: plug the jumper cap in the MAG pin header.
– External compass: pull up the jumper cap from the MAG pin header.

Примечание: Now the latest Mission planner 1.3.76 has bug ,it can not calibrate Accel for APM,Waiting for the official fix of this bug, please use version 1.3.74.



packageA included:

1x APM2.8 flight controller board with shell(without Built-in compass )

1x M8N GPS Moudule with shell(with external compass)

1x Shock absorber

1x GPS stand

1x RC receiver cable


packageB included:

1x APM2.8 flight controller board with shell(without Built-in compass )

1x M8N GPS Moudule with shell(with external compass)

1x Shock absorber

1x GPS stand

1x RC receiver cable

1x xt60 3DR Power Module

packageC included:

1x APM2.8 flight controller board with shell(without Built-in compass )

1x M8N GPS Moudule with shell(with external compass)

1x Shock absorber

1x GPS stand

1x RC receiver cable

1x WIFI Module

packageD included:

1x APM2.8 flight controller board with shell(without Built-in compass )

1x M8N GPS Moudule with shell(with external compass)

1x Shock absorber

1x GPS stand

1x RC receiver cable

1x xt60 3DR Power Module

1x WIFI Module

the latest Mission planner 1.3.76 has bug ,it can not calibrate Accel for- V2.52 I2C interface changes to multifunctional MUX interface .APM2.8 Flight controller Ardupilot +- External compass: pull up the jumper cap from the MAG pin headerthe new version adopts US LP2985-3.3, 16V withstand voltage,the new version adopts US LP2985-3.3, 16V withstand voltage,

the new version adopts US LP2985-3.3, 16V withstand voltage,- V2.52 I2C interface changes to multifunctional MUX interface .

APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller for RC Quadcopter Multicopter
APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller for RC Quadcopter Multicopter the latest Mission planner 1.3.76 has bug ,it can not calibrate Accel for DF13-5P GPS interface with external compass interface, convenient for the connection of - External compass: pull up the jumper cap from the MAG pin header




Horizontal PackageD, Vertical PackageD, Horizontal PackageC, Vertical PackageC, Horizontal PackageB, Vertical PackageB, Horizontal PackageA, Vertical PackageA


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APM2.8 APM 2.8 flight controller Ardupilot +M8N GPS built-in compass +gps stand+shock absorber for RC Quadcopter Multicopter
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