
TBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna / Peter The Penetrator Tracer Tx Antenna / TBS Tracer Immortal T Antenna / Tracer Sleeve Dipole Rx Antenna / Monopole Rx Antenna


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TBS Tracer Immortal T Антенна удлиненнаяTBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna(2pcs)Monopole Rx Antenna(5pcs)Tracer Sleeve Dipole Rx Antenna(2pcs)Tracer Immortal T AntennaPeter The Penetrator Tracer Tx Antenna
TBS Tracer Immortal T Антенна удлиненная
TBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna(2pcs)
Monopole Rx Antenna(5pcs)
Tracer Sleeve Dipole Rx Antenna(2pcs)
Tracer Immortal T Antenna
Peter The Penetrator Tracer Tx Antenna
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TBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna

For Tiny Whoops, small wings, or ducted drone applications, it can sometimes be beneficial to stick your antenna to get a very sleek profile. That’s what the Flex Dipole is for. Not full range, but then again, you may not need that for these scenarios!

Comes in a pack of 2pcs for the TBS Tracer Nano Rx / Nano 6ch Rx

TBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna SPECIFICATION:

Element Length / Width 45 mm / 6mm
Total length 120mm
Разъем IPEX / u.FL
Вес 0.44g
VSWR < 2
Усиление 1dBi



Peter The Penetrator Tracer Tx Antenna

Boost your transmission and telemetry range with this ETHIX approved, high-gain TX antenna.

When you need more power to punch through concrete walls, or push beyond the edge of reception, then our friendly neighborhood hero Peter the Penetrator is the man for the job! Poised to beat RF waves into submission by summoning supernatural powers with the red tuning belt (yes, it’s just a decorative heat shrink … you’re no fun at all!), you can nearly double your range! 

Look no further, the upgrade of upgrades is here!


Усиление 7dBi
VSWR < 1.5
Размер 8in / 20cm



TBS Tracer Immortal T Antenna

Ultra-compact T-shaped dipole antenna for TBS Tracer radio link

The default antenna included with the TBS Tracer is the Immortal T 2.4GHz antenna, manufactured by TBS. It is made from light weight, multi-strand stainless steel wire in an injected rubber enclosure, RF balanced with a balun between active element and ground. 

The combination of weight, durability, expected range and performance is bar none with this antenna, and it is ideal for race and freestyle miniquad use.


Cable length 80mm
Antenna width 60mm
Вес 0.84g
Усиление 2dBi
VSWR < 1.4
Expected range Full range (15mi+/25km+ with TBS Tracer)


  • Tracer Immortal T Mount
  • TBS Tracer Immortal-T Antenna Arm Mount by SanderPuh
  • TBS Tracer Antenna Universal Mount Immortal-T by mocky
  • TBS Tracer T-antenna mount by ehitaja_fpv



For more challenging installations where performance is crucial (such as long range foam planes), we recommend this 2.4GHz sleeve dipole antenna for the TBS Tracer receivers. They are lightweight and not T-shaped, so easier to install on flat or curved surfaces.


Total length 136mm
Вес 1.00g
Усиление 1.5dBi
Разъем IPEX / u.FL
Expected range Full range (15mi+/25km+ with TBS Tracer)



Set of 5pcs 2.4GHz monopole antenna for TBS Tracer Nano RX or any other receiver with IPEX / u.FL connector.


Total length 110mm
Вес 0.33g
Разъем IPEX / u.FL
Expected range 3mi+/5km+ (with TBS Tracer)



Корзина для покупок
TBS Tracer Flex Dipole Rx Antenna / Peter The Penetrator Tracer Tx Antenna / TBS Tracer Immortal T Antenna / Tracer Sleeve Dipole Rx Antenna / Monopole Rx Antenna
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