
Futaba 16IZS 18CH 2.4GHZ FHSS Transmitter HVGA 4.3 Inch Full-Color Backlit LCD Touch Screen 250Model Memory with R7208SB Receiver

$879.00 - $999.00

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16IZS 18-Channel Transmitter with R7208SB Receiver from Futaba – FUT01004423-1

Product Specifications

Группа 2.4GHz
Product Height 4.53″ (115 mm)
Product Width 10.04″ (255 mm)
Зарядное устройство Included
Модуляция FHSS
Receiver Sold Separately
Аккумулятор Included
Product Length 10.04″ (255 mm)
Приложение Airplane
Product Weight 64 oz
Каналы 18


Immerse Yourself In The World of 18 Channel Capability

If you want a radio system that can handle any challenge, step up to the 16IZS. It’s compatible with all of the popular protocols: FASSTest, FASST, S-FHSS and T-FHSS. It has an updated HVGA 4.3 inch, full-color backlit LCD touch screen. The screen is transflective which enables both indoor and outdoor visibility. Programming is easy and intuitive, for airplanes, helis, gliders and drones. The system comes with the R7208SB S.Bus2 Dual Antenna Diversity receiver featuring bi-directional communication, the convenience of 250-model memory, and much, much more.

Futaba Corp: Modelt 7exis I Rx Futabo Condit

Color LCD Touch Panel

With the 4.3 inch full-color fast-processing touch LCD screen the 16IZS offers quick, clear data viewing and menu surfing.

Futaba 16IZS 18CH

Double Bearing Sticks

The Futaba 16IZS comes with double bearing sticks for durability and support.

T16IZS transmitter allows for audible telemetry data to be read alou

The Power of 2.4GHz

The 16IZS utilizes 2.4GHz which is a frequency that offers incredible reliability and unparalleled signal strength.

T16IZS transmitter allows for audible telemetry data to be read alou

74 Years of Service and Counting

Futaba was founded in 1948, with over 5,000 international employees and remain leaders in RC technology and product you can trust.


  • Data from the receiver can be checked in your transmitter. FASSTest is a maximum 18 channels (linear 16 channels + switch 2 channels) 2.4 GHz dedicated system
  • By using the S.Bus2 system multiple servos, gyros and telemetry sensors are easily installed with a minimum amount of cables
  • USB C compatibility for simulator control when used with Windows OS Joystick function
  • HVGA 4.3 inch, full-color backlit LCD touch screen. The screen is transflective which enables both indoor and outdoor visibility
  • Multi holder near the antenna/charging port allows for accessories to be mounted using an M3 style screw
  • The T16IZS transmitter allows for audible telemetry data to be read aloud for easy understanding of crucial parameters while flying
  • Model data files can be stored on optional microSD card. The microSD card is also used when updating the software/features of the T16IZS
  • The high capacity 2S Lithium Polymer battery gives you extended flight time
  • The touch panel and two enter keys allows you to edit your model in the manner that is easiest for you
  • With the powerful internal processor, most of the mixing functions are operated by curves which give you very precise settings and an improved feel
  • Low voltage and other alarms are generated by a vibration motor. Alarms or vibrations to be used can be selected by the user
  • The system comes with the R7208SB S.Bus2 Dual Antenna Diversity receiver featuring bi-directional communication


  • Futaba 16IZS 18-Channel Transmitter
  • R7208SB Receiver
  • LT2F2000B Lithium Polymer Battery
  • USB cable for charging
  • Шейный ремешок
  • Manual

Product Specifications:

Number of Channels


Modulation / Protocol





Mode 1-4 (Default Mode 2)

Model Memory

250 aircraft


Backlit LCD touch screen

Rotary Knobs


2-Position Switches


3-Position Switches


Slider Switches


Momentary Switches



Dual ball bearing



Voice Alerts


Memory Card Support


Data Port


Upgradeable Firmware


Trainer System

Yes (wired)

Dual Rate / Expo


Throttle Cut


Servo Speed Adjustment



LiFe (included)


Fasstest System

The Futaba 16IZS transmitter adopted the bidirectional communication system FASSTest. Data from the receiver can be checked in your transmitter. FASSTest is a maximum 18 channels (linear 16 channels + switch 2 channels) 2.4 GHz dedicated system.

S.Bus2 System

Благодаря использованию системы S.Bus2 многочисленные сервоприводы, гироскопы и датчики телеметрии легко устанавливаются с минимальным количеством кабелей.

USB Simulator Control

The T16IZS offers USB C compatibility for simulator control when used with Windows OS Joystick function.

Color Touch Screen LCD

T16IZS has an updated HVGA 4.3 inch, full-color backlit LCD touch screen. The screen is transflective which enables both indoor and outdoor visibility.

Multi Holder

T16IZS Offers Multi holder near the antenna/charging port. It allows for accessories to be mounted using an M3 style screw.

Voice Telemetry

The Futaba T16IZS transmitter allows for audible telemetry data to be read aloud for easy understanding of crucial parameters while flying.

Secure Data (SD Card)

Model data files can be stored on optional microSD card. The microSD card is also used when updating the software/features of the T16IZS.

High Capacity Lithium Polymer Battery (2000 MAH)

Литий-полимерный аккумулятор высокой емкости 2S обеспечивает длительное время полета.


Сенсорная панель и две клавиши ввода позволяют редактировать модель наиболее удобным для вас способом.


The internal processor the response time. Most of the mixing functions are operated by curves which give you very precise settings.


Каждая рукоять оснащена надежным шарикоподшипником для каждой оси. Потенциометр с высоким циклом позволяет выполнять более тонкие и точные операции.

Vibration Function

Низкое напряжение и другие сигналы тревоги генерируются вибромотором. Сигналы тревоги или вибрации, которые будут использоваться, могут быть выбраны владельцем.


Hobby Version

Heli, Air


No Receiver, R7208SB


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Futaba 16IZS 18CH 2.4GHZ FHSS Transmitter HVGA 4.3 Inch Full-Color Backlit LCD Touch Screen 250Model Memory with R7208SB Receiver
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